Category Archives: memory card recovery

USB Flash drive not detected after fall

Will a USB flash drive survive a drop? Modern USB Flash drives are quite solid and will most likely survive a fall due to their monolithic design. Older USB keys typically consist of several components micro soldered to a flimsy PCB. Apart from the smaller chip (the controller) and the large chip (NAND flash memory),… Read More »

Repairing corrupt .aac (Advanced Audio Coding) files

Corrupt .aac files Although no advertised service I received an email from someone asking if I could repair .aac files. Until I try I can not answer yes or no. My interest was further sparked by the fact the extensions for the files changed to .kasp which suggests files were corrupted by ransomware. What helps… Read More »

If photos can be recovered, I will.

In several places on this website I make the bold claim that I may recover your photos even if: File recovery or photo recovery software does not. File or photo recovery software recovers corrupt photos. Other labs can’t or recover corrupt files … Of course this is a claim you should not take my word… Read More »

Why is photo repair more expensive than photo recovery?

In this post I’ll try to explain why photo repair is relatively expensive compared to photo recovery. Why is it many photos can be recovered at a fraction of the cost of repairing just a few images?

How can a data recovery lab get the data you can’t?

I am all for DIY (do it yourself). In fact my first website was called ‘DIY Data Recovery’, and the idea was to provide people with information and tools to perform their own data recoveries.  I learned a few things from that. Some things are not suited for DIY’ing. And some things that are DIY-able,… Read More »

Create a disk image of a SD Card or small USB flash drive

In this post I’ll explain how you can create a sector-by-sector disk image of a small USB flash drive or memory card using JpegDigger. This type if disk images are also referred to as dd or RAW image files. The disk image is an exact copy of each sector of the drive that was imaged.… Read More »

These 9 Sony memory cards might corrupt your files

Sony has issued a product advisory warning for nine of its SD memory cards, across three different product lines, that might damage your data. The cards, listed below, are at risk of corrupting your files when recording video, according to Sony: SF-M Series SF-M64 SF-M128 SF-M256 (Applicable cards can be identified by the presence of… Read More »

Accidentally deleted pictures from SSD. Recovered but they’re corrupted.

Case study, Story goes like: Accidentally deleted some pictures. Recovered them but they’re corrupted. Anyway to fix it? “I used Recuva to recover a good chunk of my pictures that were deleted but it seems that even though the file was recovered I can’t view its contents? Any program that helps with this? They were… Read More »

Recover deleted DCIM folder on android mobile phone (Samsung)

Original question: Help, I deleted my entire DCIM folder from mobile phone (Samsung) Micro SD Card. Can I recover my photos? A typical answer to this question in many forums and communities is, pull the SD Card from the phone and run PhotoRec. This is indeed an option, but I’m not sure if it’s the… Read More »

Unstable SD card with bad sectors data recovery – freezing, locks up, read errors, disconnects

Recovering your precious photos from a SD card can be challenging enough after accidental file deletion or formatting. Recovering data from an unstable SD Card may prove to even more difficult. Recovering data from an unstable SD Card Many file, photo and data recovery tools available focus on file recovery. Their efforts focus on discovery… Read More »