Category Archives: disk repair

And now I’m done with Steve Gibson (and SpinRite)

Is SpinRite a scam? Is S.G. a charlatan? People have accused Steve Gibson of being a charlatan and his SpinRite software of being little more than a scam. As you may or may not know S.G. is working on an update for the SpinRite DOS software, SpinRite 6.1. This has been a process that has… Read More »

File system corruption and USBC folder and files..

This is a quick write up after some initial research into occurrence of sectors that start with the string USBC or 0x55534243. These are common cause for data loss and can be hard to recover from. I think I see why data recovery software is often unsuccessful as these sectors appear to be ‘inserted’ causing… Read More »

USB Stick kapot – Gegevens redden

Ze zijn zo handig maar ook zo kwetsbaar, USB sticks. Om gegevens uit wisselen, de delen, op te sturen. Om je gegevens altijd bij je te hebben ongeacht op welke PC je werkt. Maar zoals gezegd ook kwetsbaar! Kwetsbaarheid USB Sticks USB Sticks zijn kwetsbaar juist als je ze veel gebruikt (maar het tegenovergestelde is… Read More »

Corrupted Micro SD Card freezes computer

If inserting a corrupted Micro SD Card, that you need to recover data from, freezes your computer, then this kind of puts you into a catch 22 situation. For recovery software to work the card needs to be detected and ID correctly. As long as it doesn’t you will be unable to recover your data.… Read More »

USB Stabilizer, flash drives and ‘the big three’

Notification: Since this blogpost R-Studio has addressed USB Stabilizer issues (not tested yet), UFS Explorer has added functionality to streamline operation with USB Stabilizer (tested, nice!) and ReclaiMe reworked their imaging module (not tested yet). Just FWIW. I have been experimenting with imaging flash. Using R-Studio, ReclaiMe Pro and UFS Explorer, the ones that I… Read More »

Recovering data from an unstable flash drive

Recovering data from an unstable flash drive often proves to be a lot harder than recovering data that was lost due to deletion or accidental formatting. This is due to the fact that data recovery software is written to address issues at the ‘data level’ while often instability issues are at the ‘disk level’. What… Read More »

Create a disk image of a SD Card or small USB flash drive

In this post I’ll explain how you can create a sector-by-sector disk image of a small USB flash drive or memory card using JpegDigger. This type if disk images are also referred to as dd or RAW image files. The disk image is an exact copy of each sector of the drive that was imaged.… Read More »

Unstable SD card with bad sectors data recovery – freezing, locks up, read errors, disconnects

Recovering your precious photos from a SD card can be challenging enough after accidental file deletion or formatting. Recovering data from an unstable SD Card may prove to even more difficult. Recovering data from an unstable SD Card Many file, photo and data recovery tools available focus on file recovery. Their efforts focus on discovery… Read More »