Category Archives: sd card

Sony Format Recovery: Recover Formatted Photos from Sony Camera

Common perception is that recovery of photos and video from a in camera formatted memory card is a matter of running a file recovery or photo recovery tool. Many makers of this type of software also give the impression it is this simple (Easeus, Stellar, RecoverIt, all the usual suspects). However many Sony camera owners… Read More »

Can you detect a drive was trimmed by reading it?

Different flash operations (read / write / erase) have different power requirements. This is probably due to fact that an erase operation requires 4 times the voltage, about 20v, than what a read operation requires, about 5v. So idea is that power consumption gives clues about what a flash drive is doing. I am assuming the… Read More »

USB flash drive freezing – Optimal setup for disk imaging

About this post This is quick write up about observations during recovery of an ‘unstable’ USB flash drive (pendrive, USB stick). This also in response to messages I pick up in various forums, where people struggle seeing how DeepSpar’s USB Stabilizer can help them improve disk imaging – while they do see how it’s a… Read More »

File system corruption and USBC folder and files..

This is a quick write up after some initial research into occurrence of sectors that start with the string USBC or 0x55534243. These are common cause for data loss and can be hard to recover from. I think I see why data recovery software is often unsuccessful as these sectors appear to be ‘inserted’ causing… Read More »

RAW file recovery and duplicates

Recovery is resulting in duplicate photos One of the drawbacks of ‘raw recovery’ is that generally files are recovered with auto generated meaningless filenames. To conclusively identify files you have to open them although initial culling can be done by sorting by size, or with help of a tool that can sort files by creation date,… Read More »

Physically broken SD Card – Data Recovery

Seems that many articles about ‘broken SD cards’ refer to software solutions. If a SD card is truly physically broken no software will be able to help. Suggestions to format the card, use DiskPart, run chkdsk are just bullshit (pardon my French). Broken SD Card Micro SD cards If we talk about the standard form… Read More »

Repair and recovery of digital photos

[automatically translated. Original language Dutch] DiskTuna has extensive experience with generic data recovery but specializes in recovering photos from small flash-based data carriers (SD cards, USB thumb drives, etc.). DiskTuna is also one of the few (worldwide!) That is able to repair corrupt digital photos. You can read all about it on this page. You… Read More »

USB Flash drive not detected after fall

Will a USB flash drive survive a drop? Modern USB Flash drives are quite solid and will most likely survive a fall due to their monolithic design. Older USB keys typically consist of several components micro soldered to a flimsy PCB. Apart from the smaller chip (the controller) and the large chip (NAND flash memory),… Read More »

USB flash drive keeps freezing / disconnecting – Recover Data

A USB flash drive constantly freezing and disconnecting is most likely a sign of degraded NAND. NAND has a finite number of erase/write cycles, the cheaper the NAND used, the smaller this number is. Also certain conditions can lower the number, such as the drive being exposed to heat.  Despite numerous sites recommending you run… Read More »

Repairing corrupt .aac (Advanced Audio Coding) files

Corrupt .aac files Although no advertised service I received an email from someone asking if I could repair .aac files. Until I try I can not answer yes or no. My interest was further sparked by the fact the extensions for the files changed to .kasp which suggests files were corrupted by ransomware. What helps… Read More »