Category Archives: RAW image

Using Disk Drill 6 – A short (p)review again (2025)

Disk Drill fan boy This is not a full blown review, I am working on that. Instead this is a quick evaluation of features I’d like to see in any file recovery tool. A set of features that in my opinion make the difference between a serious data recovery tool and a typical quickly thrown… Read More »

How to recover data from corrupted RAW photos

Repairing corrupt RAW photos (CR2, NEF, ARF etc.) There aren’t many solutions or even services available that actually and truly repair RAW photos produced by high-end digital cameras such as DSLRs from Canon, Sony and Nikon. Most software that claims this capability actually does nothing of the sort but in fact they simply extract JPEG… Read More »

Windows Photos: It looks like we don’t support this file format

Windows Photos: “It looks like we don’t support this file format.” The first thing you need to check is if other photo viewers can actually open the file. For example try the ‘old’ Windows Photo Viewer or a third party photo viewer. If those fail to open the photo as well, the file may be… Read More »

Repair a Sony RAW ARW photo (visual damage)

I long believed that it was close to impossible to repair visually distorted RAW photos. But a while back I was able to repair a visually distorted Nikon RAW photo (NEF) and now a Sony ARW RAW photo. What both these damaged files had in common though is that the portion of the file that… Read More »

Can corrupt NEF (Nikon RAW) files be repaired?

Can corrupt NEF (Nikon RAW) files be repaired? A question I frequently get from people that discover my JPEG repair service. Can corrupt NEF (Nikon RAW) files be repaired? The answer is similar to the question ‘can a JPEG be repaired?’: If actual data is present then often Nikon RAW files can be repaired. The… Read More »

can I repair corrupted JPEG files or other photos?

JPEG-Repair Toolkit Dude, can my JPEGs be repaired? “can I repair corrupted JPEG files or other photos?” is a question I get asked many times a week. Or, the variant “I ran your tool JPEG-Repair, but it does not repair my photos.”. Or, “I recovered deleted JPEG files but they are all corrupt and can… Read More »

Repair and recovery of digital photos

[automatically translated. Original language Dutch] DiskTuna has extensive experience with generic data recovery but specializes in recovering photos from small flash-based data carriers (SD cards, USB thumb drives, etc.). DiskTuna is also one of the few (worldwide!) That is able to repair corrupt digital photos. You can read all about it on this page. You… Read More »

USB flash drive keeps freezing / disconnecting – Recover Data

A USB flash drive constantly freezing and disconnecting is most likely a sign of degraded NAND. NAND has a finite number of erase/write cycles, the cheaper the NAND used, the smaller this number is. Also certain conditions can lower the number, such as the drive being exposed to heat.  Despite numerous sites recommending you run… Read More »

Why is photo repair more expensive than photo recovery?

In this post I’ll try to explain why photo repair is relatively expensive compared to photo recovery. Why is it many photos can be recovered at a fraction of the cost of repairing just a few images?