Category Archives: bad sector

When DIY data recovery is not a good idea ..

What’s wrong with using (DIY) data recovery software to recover data from an ‘unstable drive’? By unstable drive, I mean a drive that has problems delivering the data due to underlying physical problems. Physical problems that potentially get worse due to stressing the drive. Reduce stress on drive So, first goal is to reduce stress.… Read More »

Create a disk image of a SD Card or small USB flash drive

In this post I’ll explain how you can create a sector-by-sector disk image of a small USB flash drive or memory card using JpegDigger. This type if disk images are also referred to as dd or RAW image files. The disk image is an exact copy of each sector of the drive that was imaged.… Read More »

Unstable SD card with bad sectors data recovery – freezing, locks up, read errors, disconnects

Recovering your precious photos from a SD card can be challenging enough after accidental file deletion or formatting. Recovering data from an unstable SD Card may prove to even more difficult. Recovering data from an unstable SD Card Many file, photo and data recovery tools available focus on file recovery. Their efforts focus on discovery… Read More »

Recovering fragmented photos and videos – the file system matters

One of the most frustrating things after file recovery is to discover your files are corrupt. Corruption can be caused by a few different things, IF we assume the software didn’t make errors like guessing the wrong file system. Parts of the file were overwritten after deletion. Overwritten data can not be recovered. File occupied… Read More »

Reallocated sectors, pending sectors and event count. Dealing with bad sectors.

It often goes like this. Your PC is acting weird, sluggish. You can’t put your finger on it. Someone, maybe in an online forum, suggests you may have hard disk problems. The term bad sectors is used. Windows Event Viewer may refer to a bad block. It is then suggested to look at the disk’s… Read More »

Finding out which file is affected by a bad sector

Hard disk ‘repair’ software like Spinrite, DiskPatch or the hard disk manufacturer diagnostic software often identifies bad sectors in the form of an LBA address (logical block addressing). A commonly asked question is, “how do I determine, which file is affected by a bad sector?”. What is bad sector repair? Bad sector repair utilities do not actually… Read More »