Tag Archives: Seagate

Seagate RAW SMART Attributes to Error Converter

Convert Seagate SMART RAW values for attributes: 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate 7 Seek_Error_Rate 195 ECC_On_the_Fly_Count to actual errors. These values are known to display huge numbers, often leading to unnecessary worries or even panic. The RAW values however represent both an event count and the number of errors: IOW how many reads and how many errors during… Read More »

NAS Data Recovery Software, ReclaiMe and UFS Explorer

With Network Attached Storage or NAS for short becoming more popular, the demand for quality DIY solutions for NAS data recovery software increases. I will introduce two of those, and will expand the article in the future with other solutions I come across. Common steps to recover data from a NAS Steps: Disassemble the NAS and… Read More »