DiskTuna is specialized in Repair of corrupt JPEGs and Recovery of lost or deleted photos and video. We can repair and recover digital photos than no one else can. So even when you already have been trying to recover or repair photos using other software unsuccessfully, feel free to contact me to see if anything can be done.
JPEG Repair
We offer an in-house repair service for corrupt JPEG files. Using our own in-house developed JPEG Repair Toolkit we do the impossible. It is a no cure, no pay service. If we can not repair your files you do not pay for them either. Repairing JPEGs is a labor intensive and time consuming process, so it may take us a couple of days.
The difference between jpeg repair and recovery is that we speak of repair when we try to fix or repair already existing images. So you already have access to the files but for some reason you can not open them or they are not displayed correctly.
If you can not open your image at all then there is a chance the JPEG header is corrupt. I have seen so many of these that I decided to create a tool that addresses most issues related to a corrupt header. You can now try repairing JPEGs that can not be opened using my JPEG Repair Software.
JPEG Recovery
We offer a specialized Photo Recovery Tool. Some times images can not be repaired, like when for example half the image data is missing. We run into this on a regular basis: People recover their lost photos, and they come out corrupt. It is because 99 out of 100 photo recovery and file recovery programs can not handle file fragmentation or simple errors.
You need photo recovery if your photos disappeared from your memory card or another device.

This is how all other software we tried recovered this fragmented photo. Think JpegDigger did better? Click to find out ..
JPEG Repair and Recovery
Unfortunately sometimes you will need both. Think of a case where there are bad sectors on the memory card you’re trying to recover photos from also suddenly shows signs of bad sectors. A file occupying a bad sector will miss 512 bytes of data. No recovery software I know of can account for that missing data. And I haven’t come across any repair software that can repair that either. Repairing such an image typically requires the human eye.